Restroom Cleaning & Deodorization
A restroom is the one area of any facility that can greatly impact a patron's impression of a business or one's home. A negative restroom experience can leave a person to feel that that business pays very little attention to cleanliness. This can greatly impact whether a patron will continue to visit that business again in the future.
Restrooms are often thought of as places that harbor germs and harmful bacteria. Fixtures like a door handle, light switches are places where germs are almost always present. Although these fixtures are present all throughout a facility. None invoke the thought of the presence of germs more than those in restrooms.
People sometimes take certain precautions not to touch door handles in restrooms, using paper towels to grab door handles as they leave. But less thought is taken when one presses an elevator button or exits the same facility using the door handles.
Perhaps the greatest reason for this contrast in a person's action when visiting restrooms are the presence of foul odors. Very little needs to be said as to why foul odors are present in restrooms. This is why removing odors and preventing them from remaining even after cleaning is so important.
To prevent odors from remaining in restrooms just spraying air fresheners is simply not enough. Proper use of cleansers or enzymes that help to break down odors is key. Hydrogen peroxide-based cleaners are proven chemicals that help to break down urine odors and their stains. Allowing proper dwell time usually 10 min when spraying restroom surfaces allows the chemical to break down germs and odor-causing bacteria.
Proper cleaning techniques are just as important when it comes to washroom sanitization. Chemicals and equipment will do little to clean a restroom if the person using them doesn't use proper cleaning techniques. Combining acquired knowledge with the appropriate use of chemicals can result in greater success of odor removal.
Caldwell Clean can work with you to set up a cleaning program that addresses issues related to restroom cleanliness. Setting up a cleaning program that goes beyond just everyday cleaning. It can greatly help to remain ahead of any issues that can lead to unsanitary conditions in restrooms. Further reducing a patron's negative interaction and perception of business attention to cleanliness.

Recent studies show that 95% of customers will avoid a business where they have had a negative restroom experience
Total Restroom Cleaning
Sometimes daily cleaning just doesn't go far enough to clean all areas of a restroom. Wheather due to time constraints or improper cleaning techniques that don't remove odors. If this is an issue for you and your company maybe a total cleaning can help.
A total cleaning employs the use of washroom cleaning systems that use high pressure spraying methods to remove soil from some hard to reach areas in restrooms such as the rear of toilets and behind sink basins or between toilet stall partitions. These are areas that retain dust and soil that can build over time an lead to an unsightly dirty apperance to restrooms. These machines have blowers that can blow dust from paper towel dispensers or tissue holders. They also often contain powerful wet vaccums that can suck up water used in the rinsing process of all restroom surfaces or pick up water on the floor from scrubbing floor tiles in grout cleaning.
This is just another powerful tool that can be used in the fight against germs and bacteria in restroom cleaning.