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Carpet Cleaning Benefits


Carpet cleaning can present many benefits to occupants. The first benefit of having your carpets cleaned by a professional is the fact that odors are removed. If your carpet begins to smell it is often a good sign it's time to have them cleaned. Odors in carpeting can come from a variety of sources. Heavy traffic from snow during winter months and a lack of fresh outdoor airflow from closed windows during winter months can result in undesirable carpet smells.

Many smells can come from spills on carpeting and unless properly removed these odors often remain. Spills from organic matter such as milk can produce foul odors. A by-product of decaying protein enzymes within the milk itself.

 Improved air quality- Carpets often help to add beauty to any indoor environment. But another important benefit to carpeting is they help to collect and retain dust and debris until it is vacuumed away. Although many indoor pollutants can also be found in carpeting. Vacuuming carpets with vacuums that contain certified HEPA filters can greatly reduce the amount of allergens within carpet fibers.

 The carpeting in a residence acts as a huge filter they hold dust and particles from insect droppings, heating, and cooling units even hair and dead skin cells within its fibers once these fibers become cluttered they start to overflow back into our environment which is then inhaled by occupants. This can lead to sickness in some people or respiratory problems in some individuals. In the workplace, it can mean more employees calling out sick. Once thoroughly vacuumed and deep cleaned this can help to improve indoor air quality because some dust and allergens are greatly removed. As a result, a clean carpet can mean a healthier environment.

 Another benefit of having your carpets professionally cleaned is the beauty of clean carpet presents. A clean and bright carpet appearance free of stains and odors presents to customers or guests to your home a sign of cleanliness.

 Colors and designs vary greatly in carpet manufacturing. Whichever you choose it is important to employ proper procedures to keep them looking their best. 

1. Use entrance mats at all entrances

2. Weekly or daily vacuuming of carpets as needed

3. Cleaning or removal of all spills immediately

4. Having scheduled cleaning of carpets professionally 

5. Applying for carpet and fabric protection


Methods Of Cleaning

 There are many methods to choose from when choosing to have your carpets professionally cleaned each method addresses many aspects of what your cleaning need may be at any particular time. Ask your carpet cleaning professional which might be appropriate for your carpet.


Hot Water Extraction 

After a thorough dry vacuuming of carpets, a hot water and detergent solution is flushed into the carpet fibers to release and suspend any dirt. This soil is then extracted away at the same time with powerful vacuums. This is the most effective way to deep clean carpets as it ensures a thorough deep clean of the carpet fibers. This method usually results in longer drying times.


Absorbent Pad or Bonnet Cleaning 

A rotary floor buffing machine is used with a wet spin bonnet pad attached. This is used to agitate the carpet fibers and remove any surface stains after a spray solution containing the detergent is applied to the carpet. This method is usually used as an interim method of carpet maintenance, as it results in quicker dry times.









Dry Compound Cleaning

The dry compound method employs the use of a dry powder which is sprinkled or applied all over the carpet area to be cleaned. This powder contains various detergents which when agitated help to suspend dirt and lift it away from carpet fibers until later vacuumed away.

This method does not require any water to clean carpet fibers. 


Carpet Shampooing

Carpet shampooing requires a rotary floor buffer with a brush attachment at its base. The chemical shampoo is released from from a solution tank on the machine. This solution creates a foam on the carpet. The foam is then agitated with a spinning brush. This process loosens dirt from the carpet fibers once complete the foam is left to dry and later vacuumed away.  Removing all soil from carpet. 


Importance of Carpet Care

Although not all cleaning methods will achieve the same results. It is always best to consult a certified professional on which method will achieve your desired outcome. In some cases you may need a quick dry time. In other situations you may need a deep clean of your carpets because it's been awhile or perhaps you've never had them cleaned. 

Which ever option you choose remember having a regular maintenance schedule for cleaning your carpets is essential in keeping it's beautiful appearance. 

Different factors should be taken into account when choosing how often to clean your carpet. High traffic area of carpeting should be cleaned at least every 6-12 months. With interim maintenance such as light cleaning every 3-6 months. These options can vary depending upon the type of facility in use or outdoor conditions. 

Winter months may require more maintenance as oppose to summer months. A building with more occupants will require more maintenance of carpet than one with fewer occupants.

Caldwell Clean is a company designed with the customer in mind. let us work with you to design a maintence program for your facility or home that addresses all your carpet cleaning needs. 


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